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EveryPsalm is a listener supported endeavor. In order to keep our music cost-free and ad-free for all who wish to hear God's word in song, we appreciate your gifts!
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Psalm 51
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 51 have mercy o god with unfailing love with great compassion blot out my transgression against you alone have i surely sinned truly you are right in your accusation do not cast me away do not take your spirit from me do not cast me away your presence is my only worth if you asked for a sacrifice i’d bring it if you needed an offering i’d burn it somehow the things that you love are the things i am now broken spirit and heart how can it be you would take delight
Psalm 51
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 52
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 52 why does the tongue love evil why does it itch to boast always seeking destruction spreading a fire from those who lie leading yourself to ruin you will be torn from home while righteous watch in safety you will regret your choice of wealth your goal but i am like an olive tree planted in the house of the king i am like an olive tree planted in the house of the king i see all the good he does standing with the saints we all sing the name the name of the lord the name of the lord is our hope the name of the lord is our hope is our good
Psalm 52
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 53
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Rest
psalm 53 the lord looks down from heaven to see any who understand but all have turned away the evil man eats men as bread but they will soon be filled with dread though there is none to fear oh come desired salvation come out come forth from zion that jacob could rejoice
Psalm 53
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 54
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Courage
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 54 save me o god vindicate me by your might hear my prayer listen to my words both day and night strangers await ruthless men seek my life waiting for me the god i love they don’t recognize surely god is my help the lord is the one who sustains me surely god is my help the lord is the one who sustains me in faithfulness destroy all the ones who slander me a sacrifice i will gladly offer freely praising your name i know it alone is my only good i recall all the times i have stood in triumph surely god is my help the lord is the one who sustains me surely god is my help the lord is the one who sustains me
Psalm 54
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 55
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 55 give ear to my prayer god do not hide from my cries give heed with your answer for i’m overwhelmed, i’m overwhelmed my heart it keeps pounding inside of my chest with the terrors of death around me fear surrounding and i can’t stop from trembling oh had i wings had i wings had i wings i would fly away and find a place to rest oh had i wings had i wings had i wings i could find some quiet in this wilderness come and confuse lord divide these evil ways for i have seen violence and oppressions in the city night and day not by a stranger but by my dearest friend what sweet fellowship we once enjoyed now burns with bitterness oh had i wings had i wings had i wings i would fly away and find a place to rest oh had i wings had i wings had i wings i could find some quiet in this wilderness smooth and enticing but his heart was war softer than oil were his words yet they were ready drawn swords these men of bloodshed and deceit will see their end but cast your burden on the lord and he’ll sustain you yet again cast your burden on the lord and he’ll sustain you yet again
Psalm 55
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 56
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Suffering
Psalms for Courage
psalm 56 be gracious to me be gracious to me all day i’m fighting all day i’m fighting but when i am afraid when i am afraid i will put my trust i will put my trust in you in the god whose word i praise i will put my trust i will put my trust in you i will not be afraid what can mere man do to me lord you have taken track of my wanderings my tears you’ve bottled are they not in your book but this i surely know that god is for me i will put my trust i will put my trust in you in the god whose word i praise i will put my trust i will put my trust in you i will not be afraid what can mere man do to me
Psalm 56
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 57
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Rest
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 57 my soul takes its refuge in the shadow of your wings there until destruction passes by again i will cry to god most high from heaven he will save he will send forth his faith and love unfailing have mercy have mercy o god have mercy on me my soul is in the midst of lion and fire and beast still broken by man’s children with spear and sword and teeth have mercy have mercy o god have mercy on me
Psalm 57
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 58
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 58 can you say you do speak rightly can you judge fair o son of man you find pleasure with injustice and you weigh out violence in your hand even in the womb you bathed yourself in lies even in the womb you bathed yourself in lies bathed yourself in lies with the venom of a serpent like a cobra who has stopped his ears though the tune is played by charmer you do not heed though indeed you hear like a stillborn child don’t let them see the sun like a stillborn child don’t let them see let them see the sun shatter the teeth in their mouth come break the fangs of the lion young wash them away as with the waters wash them away
Psalm 58
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 59
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 59 deliver me o god from my enemies set me up securely on high deliver me from those who do iniquity save me save me from the men who seek my life see how they lie in wait for me for no sin of mine i’ve done no wrong i’ve done no wrong arouse yourself to help me and see awake yourself to help me and see o god you o lord the god of hosts don’t be gracious to any treacherous in iniquity scatter them by your power and bring them down on account of the sin of their mouth on account of the words of their lips catch them destroy them but i will sing aloud of your strength for your love is steadfast you’ve been my fortress you’ve been my fortress my very refuge in day after day of all my distress you’ve been my fortress you’ve been my fortress
Psalm 59
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 60
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book II
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 60 you have left us you have been angry now restore us you have left us we see the ground shake and open when you’re not with us come and save us come and help us with your right hand come and save us let those you love be saved and know that you hear us god has promised this in his holiness in his holiness he has spoken i will divide up shechem with joy portion and measure succoth the vale gilead is mine manasseh is mine ephraim my helmet judah my scepter moab my basin edom my slave over all others shout loud in triumph because of me who will lead us who will take us to the city who will lead us is it not you o god who has rejected us give us aid against the enemy for the help of man is nothing but with god we gain the victory he will trample down our enemy
Psalm 60
Poor Bishop Hooper
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EveryPsalm is a listener supported endeavor. In order to keep our music cost-free and ad-free for all who wish to hear God's word in song, we appreciate your gifts!
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