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Psalm 111
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 111 great are the works of the lord studied by all who delight in them glorious and majestic are the deeds of the lord his righteousness endures he has caused his wonders to be remembered he keeps his word great are the works of the lord studied by all who delight in them he provides redemption ordained his covenant forever it will stand to fear the lord is to begin in wisdom great are the works of the lord studied by all who delight in them
Psalm 111
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 112
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Wisdom
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 112 praise the lord blessed is the man who fears him and delights in his commandments his children will be strong praise the lord an entire generation of the upright will be blessed wealth and riches in his home his righteousness endures forever in the darkness a light shines praise the lord good will come to him who generously lends he won’t be overcome praise the lord he is not afraid his heart is firmly placed trusting in the lord his righteousness endures forever he is generous merciful and compassionate his horn is exalted in honor lifted high in the darkness a light shines his righteousness endures forever in the darkness a light shines
Psalm 112
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 113
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 113 o servants of the lord give praise praise the lord yes praise his name blessed be the name of the lord from this time forevermore oh from the sunrise to it's set everywhere from east to west the lord’s above the nations his glory higher than heaven who is like like the lord who is seated high there enthroned who looks down down on both the heavens and the earth he raises the poor from the dust sees the needy and he lifts them up he brings the barren woman home makes her joyous with her children who is like like the lord who is seated high there enthroned who looks down down on both the heavens and the earth
Psalm 113
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 114
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 114 when israel went out from egypt the house of jacob from a language strange his sanctuary judah became israel his dominion the sea looked and fled the jordan turned back the mountains like rams skipped with the hills like lambs what ails you o sea that you would flee o jordan that you turn back o mountains o mountains that you skip oh hills like lambs tremble o earth tremble o earth at the presence of the lord
Psalm 114
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 115
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 115 not to us but to your name be the glory not to us but to your name be the glory not to us but to your name be the glory god the nations say where is their god our god is in heaven doing all that pleases him but the form of their handcrafted god cannot move or make a sound those who make them will be like them and so will all those who trust in them o house of israel trust in the lord he is their help and shield o house of aaron trust in the lord he is their help and shield o you who fear him trust in the lord he is their help and shield the lord will bless and he will remember the great and the small aaron and israel may the lord increase you and your children may you be blessed by your maker it is not the dead who praise the lord for it is we who extol the lord not to us but to your name be the glory not to us but to your name be the glory not to us but to your name be the glory god
Psalm 115
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 116
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for Courage
psalm 116 i love the lord for he heard my voice he heard my cry for mercy i will call on him as long as i live for he turned his ear to me the cords of death the anguish of the grave i was overcome i was overcome then i called on the name the lord is gracious and righteous and full of compassion he protects the simple he’s saved me when i’m low once more be at rest oh my soul for the lord has been good to you o lord you’ve delivered my soul from death my eyes from tears my feet from stumbling that i may walk before the you in the land of the living oh how can i repay the lord for all his goodness to me i will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name the lord is gracious and righteous and full of compassion he protects the simple he’s saved me when i’m low once more be at rest oh my soul for the lord has been good to you so every vow i have made i will pay o lord i’m your servant with my offerings i’ll give thanks and call upon the name
Psalm 116
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 117
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
Psalms for Gathered Worship
psalm 117 praise the lord all you nations extol him all you peoples for great is his love toward us great is his love toward us the faithfulness of the lord endures forever forever forever praise the lord all you nations extol him all you peoples for great is his love toward us great is his love toward us great is his love toward us great is his love toward us the faithfulness of the lord endures forever forever forever praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah
Psalm 117
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 118
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for Dancing
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 118 give thanks to the lord for he is good his love love love love love let isreal speak along with the priests his love love love love love is steadfast from my distress i called on him his love love love love love the lord answered me and set me free his love love love love love is steadfast the nations they surrounded me but the name of the lord they went out like fire and bees but the name of the lord i was near to falling but the name of the lord helped me helped me helped me the lord is my strength and he is my song his love love love love love he has become my salvation his love love love love love hear songs of joy victorious the right hand of the lord from the tents of the righteous the right hand of the lord i shall not die but i shall live the right hand of the lord helped me helped me helped me the stone that the builders threw out has become the chief cornerstone now this is what the lord has done marvelous this is the day the lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it
Psalm 118
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 119 - Aleph
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Wisdom
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psalm 119 - aleph how blessed are those whose way is blameless who walk in the law of the lord how blessed are those who keep his testimonies who seek him with their heart who do no wrong who do no wrong who do no wrong but walk in his ways your commandments we should be diligent in keeping them that my actions would reflect your decrees i won't be put to shame when i fix my eyes upon them o god do not forsake me i will praise i will praise i will praise and walk in your ways
Psalm 119 - Aleph
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 119 - Beth
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Wisdom
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Rest
psalm 119 - beth how can a young one keep their way pure by guarding it according to your word with my whole heart i seek you that i won’t sin against you your word is hidden in my heart and stored blessed are you blessed are you lord more than riches i will fix my eyes i’ll delight i’ll delight in your word
Psalm 119 - Beth
Poor Bishop Hooper
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